Veteran Services
provided by Livingston County Veteran Services Agency

Livingston County Veteran Services Agency
Mount Morris NY 14510
Wheelchair accessible.
* Provides assistance with filing claims for federal, state and local benefits for veterans or service members and dependents.
* Offers counseling for veteran benefit problems.
* Provides information regarding all services and programs available to veterans.
* Provides referrals/assistance for medical care at VA facilities.
Eligibility: Veteran, surviving spouse, and other eligible dependent benefits.
Application Process: Call for information.
Required Documentation: DD-214, marriage certificate, divorce decree(s), social security numbers(s), birth certificate(s), service medical records, medical diagnosis, and/or death certificate.
Fees: No fee for services.
Coverage Note: Livingston County.
Livingston County Veterans Service Agency provides entitlement information and advocacy assistance to military personnel, veterans and their dependents in matters relating to veterans' law.