provided by ClearCaptions

Suite 200
Roseville CA 95661
SA, SU 9:00AM–7:00PM ET.
* Provides a phone with displays near real-time phone captions on an easy-to-use touchscreen display, free installation.
* Offers free ClearCaptions Mobile App for Mobile Phone or Tablet.
Eligibility: Hearing loss that necessitates the use of a caption phone, U.S. Resident.
Application Process: Call or visit website for application.
Required Documentation: Certify that your hearing loss inhibits your ability to use the phone. Require High-speed internet and a landline.
Fees: No fees for service.
Coverage Note: United States.
ClearCaptions is a call captioning service that allows people to see the words the other callers say. Available at home or on the go with the ClearCaptions home phone with large color touchscreen or mobile app, both at no cost to the user.