provided by National Runaway Safeline

National Runaway Safeline
Chicago IL 60657
* Provides a confidential crisis intervention for runaway and homeless youth and their families via phone, chat, email, text, and bulletin board.
- Referrals
- Conference calling with a parent upon youth's request
- Conflict mediation
- Information hotline
- Free bus tickets home to family or shelter for qualified youth
Language Access
Eligibility: Youth ages 12-21 and their families/concerned adults.
Application Process: For Home Free youth 12-21 must CALL the hotline: 1-800-RUNAWAY.
Required Documentation: None for Hotline. Home Free requires verifiable documentation. Call for information.
Fees: None.
Coverage Note: United States. Includes Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands, Guam.
National Runaway SafelineĀ operates theĀ 1-800-RUNAWAY hotline and 1800RUNAWAY.org online crisis service (live chat, emails, forum) operated by crisis services staff and volunteers offering non-judgmental, non-sectarian, and non-directive support.