Children's Residential Services

provided by Together for Youth

Map Marker 1

Together for Youth

13640 Route 22
Canaan NY 12029
24 hours.

* Offers residential and support services for adolescents experiencing difficulties at home and/or in their communities.
  • Residential treatment at Berkshire Farm Center, Canaan, NY
  • For boys and girls who are delinquent or in need of supervision
* Offers counseling, information and referral for families of youths in a residential program through the Community Services Division.

Eligibility: Youth, ages 12-21 years.

Application Process: Established only through the Courts, Department of Social Services and Office of Child and Family Services. Parent or guardian may request that the Department of Social Services make the referral on their behalf.

Required Documentation: Call for information.

Fees: Established by County Department of Social Services.

Coverage Note: New York State.


Together for Youth strives to to strengthen children and families so they can live safely, independently, and productively within their home communities.