Monroe County Reentry Services

provided by Delphi Rise

Map Marker 1

Delphi Rise

72 Hinchey Road
Rochester NY 14624
585-467-2230 ext. 307
24 hours.
Bus Service:

On bus route.

Disabilities Access:

Wheelchair accessible.


* Helps people who are coming out of prison in Monroe County.
  • Works together with the Monroe County Reentry Task Force.
* Offers case managers who help men and women just released from NYS prisons get what they need including:
  • A place to live (housing)
  • Help with getting better (treatment)
  • Finding a job (employment)
  • Counseling to help them feel better and deal with their experiences (group and individual counseling).

Eligibility: Individuals recently released from a NYS DOCCS facility.

Application Process: Must be referred by parole officer. Call for an appointment.

Required Documentation: None.

Fees: No fees for service.

Coverage Note: Monroe County.


Delphi has many ways to help with substance use. They teach people how to avoid drugs and alcohol and help them get better if they have a problem. They also give support to people to help them stay healthy and safe.