14619 Summer Food Locations
provided by Rochester City Summer Food Service Program 2024

14619 Rochester City Summer Food Service Program
Rochester NY 14619
7/1/24 - 8/23/24 - Gardiner R-Center, 75 Grover Street
- Breakfast: M-F 8:30AM-9:30AM
- Lunch: M-F 12:30PM-1:30PM
Eligibility: Children in the City of Rochester or Greece age 18 or younger.
Application Process: Walk-in.
Required Documentation: None.
Fees: No fee for service.
Coverage Note: City of Rochester
The Summer Food Service Program is a national program, federally funded by the US Department of Agriculture. Meals and/or snacks are offered to children, age 18 and younger at various sites. Local partners in the City of Rochester are Foodlink and the Rochester City School District.