Occupational Health

provided by WorkFit Medical, LLC

Map Marker 1

WorkFit Medical, LLC

1160 Chili Avenue
Rochester NY 14626
Open 365 days a year.
M,T,W,F 7:00AM-5:00PM.
Th 7:00 AM-7:00 PM
Sat & Sun 9:00AM-2:30 PM
Most Holidays 9:00AM-2:00PM.
Bus Service:

Public Transportation Available.

Disabilities Access:

Wheelchair accessible, one floor facility.

* Offers pre-employment screenings such as:
  • Drug screens
  • Physicals
  • Certifications
  • Immunizations
  • Agility tests
* Conducts annual surveillance such as OSHA silica, respirator, etc.
* Treats and manages workers’ compensation injury care.
* Provides PFTs, health fairs, and travel medicine. 

Eligibility: Call for information.

Application Process: Appointment only for physicals and non-emergent work injuries. Walk in for drug screen, immunizations, PPD placements, and emergent workers comp injury care. Call for more information.

Required Documentation: Call for information.

Fees: Accepts insurance for worker's compensation and physical therapy. Flat fee for pre-employment physical. Call for information.

Coverage Note: Will serve anyone from any area. Facility is in Monroe County.