Commisioner of Jurors
provided by Cayuga County Supreme and County Court

Cayuga County Supreme and County Court
152 Genesee Street
Cayuga County Courthouse, First Floor
Auburn NY 13021
Cayuga County Courthouse, First Floor
Auburn NY 13021
(Jury Instruction Call In)
M-F 9:00AM-5:00PM.
Disabilities Access:
Accessible Entrance is on the Court Street Side of the Building, follow signage.
* Cultivates, qualifies and maintains an available pool of jurors for use by the Cayuga County Courts.
* Handles requests for juries and payments to jurors from all the courts within Cayuga County.
* Handles requests for juries and payments to jurors from all the courts within Cayuga County.
Eligibility: Appointed. Call for information.
Application Process: Call for information.
Required Documentation: None.
Fees: No fee for services.
Coverage Note: Cayuga County.
Cayuga County Supreme and County Court has jurisdiction over felony matters in Cayuga County.