Hilton East Assisted Living Community
provided by Hilton East Assisted Living Community

Hilton East Assisted Living Community
231 East Avenue
Hilton NY 14468
Hilton NY 14468
24 hours.
* Offers an adult care facility with an assisted living program providing non-medical living and supervision of personal care and offers:
- Medication management.
- 24-hour aide care assistance.
- Three restaurant style meals served daily.
- Personal care assistance.
- Transportation.
- Housekeeping and maintenance of the apartment and all common areas.
- 24-hour emergency call system.
- Laundry services for bed linens and personal clothing.
- Coordinated activities program.
Eligibility: Medical confirmation that prospective resident is not in need of skilled nursing care and does not require a nursing home.
Application Process: Call or visit website for information.
Required Documentation: Proof of income.
Fees: Long Term Care Health Insurance. Private pay. SSI.
Coverage Note: Monroe and all surrounding Counties.
Hilton East is an Assisted Living provider in Monroe County offering individualized care and service for up to 205 residents.