Gates Chili School Nutrition and Meals

provided by Gates Chili Central School District

Map Marker 1

Gates Chili Central Schools

3 Spartan Way
Rochester NY 14624
M-F 8:00AM-4:30PM.
Food Pantry: First and third W 3:00PM-4:00PM.

* Administers the school district for the Gates Chili community. 
  • Neil Armstrong Elementary. 
  • Florence Brasser Elementary. 
  • Walt Disney Elementary. 
  • Paul Road Elementary. 
  • Gates Chili Middle School. 
  • Gates Chili High School. 
* Gives free breakfast and lunch to all schools in the district. 

Language Access BadgeLanguage Access

Eligibility: Resident of area served.

Application Process: Call for information.

Required Documentation: None.

Fees: No fee for services.

Coverage Note: Towns of Gates and Chili.



Gates Chili Central School District is the group of schools for Gates Chili.