National Grid
provided by National Grid
![Map Marker 1](/images/2021/icon/1.png)
National Grid
300 Erie Boulevard W
Syracuse NY 13202
Syracuse NY 13202
Toll Free:
(Customer Service / Consumer Advocate)
Toll Free:
(Payment arrangements)
Toll Free:
(Report an Outage)
Toll Free:
(Gas Emergencies)
Business Hours: M-F 7:00AM-7:00PM.
Consumer Advocate: M-F 8:00AM-5:00PM.
Gas and Electric Emergencies: 24 hours.
Consumer Advocate: M-F 8:00AM-5:00PM.
Gas and Electric Emergencies: 24 hours.
* Administers the distribution of gas and electric services.
* Assists with making bill payment arrangements.
* Provides Consumer Advocates services specializing in assisting income-eligible and vulnerable customers struggling with their home energy bills by aligning them with available programs and services offered by National Grid and local and state agency partners.
* Assists with making bill payment arrangements.
* Provides Consumer Advocates services specializing in assisting income-eligible and vulnerable customers struggling with their home energy bills by aligning them with available programs and services offered by National Grid and local and state agency partners.
Eligibility: Resident of area served. For Consumer Advocates; Existing National Grid customers, some programs may have income limits.
Application Process: Call for information.
Required Documentation: None.
Fees: Fees vary. Call for information.
Coverage Note: Upstate New York.
National Grid delivers energy to customers.