Neighborhood Navigation Center
provided by Connected Communities, Inc.
Connected Communities, Inc.
1337 East Main Street
Rochester NY 14609
Rochester NY 14609
M-TH 9:00AM-5:00PM.
F 9:00AM-12:00PM.
F 9:00AM-12:00PM.
Bus Service:
RTS - #8 East Main line.
Disabilities Access:
Wheelchair ramp accessibility.
* Helps navigate systems including health, education, human services, and government.
* Offers in-person assistance to identify needs and priorities, find services, understand eligibility for programs, and connect with providers.
* Offers access to MyWayfinder.
* Offers in-person assistance to identify needs and priorities, find services, understand eligibility for programs, and connect with providers.
* Offers access to MyWayfinder.
Eligibility: Resident of area served.
Application Process: Call or email for an appointment.
Required Documentation: None.
Fees: No fee for service.
Coverage Note: Beechwood and EMMA Neighborhoods, Schools #33 & EAST High School.
Connected Communities, Inc. is a place-based nonprofit working in mixed-income housing, cradle-to-career education, community health and wellness, and workforce and economic development in the Beechwood and EMMA neighborhoods.