Neighborhood Navigation Center
provided by Greece Central School District
Phoenix Academy
200 Alcott Road
Door #3
Rochester NY 14626
Door #3
Rochester NY 14626
M-TH 4:00PM-8:00PM.
Closed during school vacations and summer.
Closed during school vacations and summer.
* Helps navigate systems including health, education, human services, and government.
* Offers in-person assistance to identify needs and priorities, find services, understand eligibility for programs, and connect with providers.
* Offers access to MyWayfinder.
* Offers financial assistance to families when funds are available.
* Offers in-person assistance to identify needs and priorities, find services, understand eligibility for programs, and connect with providers.
* Offers access to MyWayfinder.
* Offers financial assistance to families when funds are available.
Cultural Competency
Language Access
Eligibility: Households with children under 21 residing in area served.
Application Process: Call, email, or create referral in MyWayfinder to schedule an appointment.
Required Documentation: None.
Fees: No fee for services.
Coverage Note: Greece Central School District (Some or all of zip codes 14626, 14616, 14615, 14612, 14606).
Cultural Competency: Cultural competency, diversity, equity, and inclusion training for staff
Languages: Language line
School district for the Town of Greece.