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Help purchasing new necessary furniture or donations of used furniture.

Found 15 resources (displaying 11 - 15)

Thru: Hope Initiatives

DHS recipients must have an active case with DHS and an approved voucher to receive furniture and services at no cost to them. Services for clients of non-DHS agencies must be arranged and paid by the sponsoring agency. For all other services, please call for more information.
Map Marker 1

Hope Initiatives CDC, Inc.

506 W Broad Street
Rochester, NY

M-F 9:00AM-4:00PM.

Thru: Cayuga Community Health Network

Pregnant, postpartum, planning to be, or choosing to not get pregnant individuals ages 15-44 who have Medicaid or are uninsured.
Map Marker 2

Cayuga Community Health Network

2119 W Genesee Street Road
Auburn, NY

Thru: St. Francis Xavier Cabrini Parish

Resident of area served.
Map Marker 3

St. Vincent DePaul Society

124 Evergreen Street
Rochester, NY

Thru: St. Charles Borromeo

Resident of area served.
Map Marker 4

St. Charles Borromeo

3003 Dewey Avenue
Rochester, NY

Leave a message on the answering machine with contact information and calls will be returned within 48 hours.

Thru: Geneva Center of Concern

No eligibility for thrift store. For clothing vouchers, must be Geneva resident and have a referral from a local agency.
Map Marker 5

Geneva Center of Concern

58 Avenue D
Geneva, NY

M-F 10:00AM-3:00PM. SA 10:00AM-12:30PM.

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