Programs that provide gift baskets to those in need around the late fall and early winter holidays.
Found 31 resources (displaying 1 - 10)
Thru: Salvation Army Cayuga County
18 E Genesee Street
Auburn, NY
Thru: Wolcott Council of Churches
Thru: Lima Food Pantry
7329 E Main Street
Lima, NY
Thru: The Salvation Army Ontario & Yates County Unit Geneva
Salvation Army Ontario & Yates County Unit Geneva
41 North Street
Geneva, NY
Thru: Town/Village of East Rochester
East Rochester Community Resource Center
333 E Chestnut Street
East Rochester, NY
Thru: Hilton Parma Emergency Food Shelf
Hilton Parma Emergency Food Shelf
59 Henry Street, Room 201
Hilton Community Center
Hilton, NY
Thru: St. Alphonsus Food Pantry
85 E Genesee Street
Auburn, NY
Thru: The Salvation Army Canandaigua
110 Saltonstall Street
Canandaigua, NY
Cultural Competency
Language Access