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Homeless Shelter

Temporary places to stay in dorm style facilities for people who lack housing.

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Found 23 resources (displaying 11 - 20)

Thru: Family Promise of Ontario County, Inc.

Ontario County families with children ages 18 and under. Drug-and alcohol-free program, no active domestic violence, untreated substance use disorder, or untreated mental health concerns. Will agree to background check.
Map Marker 1

Family Promise of Ontario County

185 N Main Street
Canandaigua, NY

Thru: Catholic Charities Family and Community Services

Homeless male 18 years of age or older. Must not have a conviction of arson on their record.
Map Marker 2

Francis Center

547 Joseph Avenue
Rochester, NY

24 hours.

Thru: Salvation Army Rochester Area Services

Women ages 18 years or older.
Map Marker 3

The Salvation Army Northwest Corps

100 West Avenue
Rochester, NY

Emergency shelter assistance: 24 hours. Clients must show up by 6:00PM each night to keep their bed.

Thru: Volunteers of America of Western New York

Homeless males ages 18 years and older. Must not have a sex offense or arson on record.
Map Marker 4

Volunteers of America of Western New York - Ward Street

175 Ward Street
Rochester, NY

24 hours.

Thru: REACH Advocacy Inc.

Must be homeless. Must be age 18 and older.
Map Marker 5

REACH Advocacy's Project Haven

77 Barberry Terrace
Rochester, NY

Thru: Chapel House Homeless Shelter

Must be homeless and age 18 and over.
Map Marker 6

ROLES Homeless Shelter

290-292 Grant Ave
Auburn, NY

Thru: The Salvation Army of Auburn, NY - Cayuga County

Call for information.
Map Marker 7

Salvation Army Cayuga County

18 E Genesee Street
Auburn, NY

Thru: Open Door Mission, Inc.

Samaritan House: Men, ages 18 and older who are in need of shelter.

Thru: Catholic Charities Family and Community Services

Homeless women 18 years of age or older. Serves women with children up to age 19 if still in household. Must not have a conviction of arson on their record.
American Sign Language, Spanish
Map Marker 9

Sanctuary House

79 North Clinton Avenue
Rochester, NY

24 hours.

Thru: Open Door Mission, Inc.

Women ages 18 and older who are in need of shelter.
Map Marker 10

Substance Abuse Residential Services

156 N Plymouth Avenue
Rochester, NY

Nov-Apr 24 hours. Apr-Nov curfew at 6:30PM, call after 6:30PM.

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