Icon for Home-Delivered Meals (Meals on Wheels)

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Home-Delivered Meals (Meals on Wheels)

Serving counties: Cayuga

Programs that deliver meals to older adults, people with disabilities and those with difficulties shopping and/or preparing food and cannot travel to a site where a meals are served.

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Found 3 resources (displaying 3)

Thru: Mom's Meals


Mom's Meals

Ankeny, IA

Thru: Union Springs Central School District

Family in need residing in the area. Priority is given to students who qualify for free meals, but assistance is available for others as well.
Map Marker 1

Union Springs Central School District

239 Cayuga Street
Union Springs, NY

Thru: Cayuga County Office for the Aging

Must be 60 and over. Home-delivered meals are provided to those who are unable to prepare their own meals due to physical and​/or cognitive impairments.
Map Marker 2

Cayuga County Office for the Aging

149 Genesee Street
Auburn, NY

M-F 11:00AM-12:30PM (approximate). Call for specific hours.

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