Icon for Home-Delivered Meals (Meals on Wheels)

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Home-Delivered Meals (Meals on Wheels)

Serving counties: Monroe

Programs that deliver meals to older adults, people with disabilities and those with difficulties shopping and/or preparing food and cannot travel to a site where a meals are served.

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Found 4 resources (displaying 4)

Thru: Mom's Meals


Mom's Meals

Ankeny, IA

Thru: UR Medicine Home Care

Eligibility for subsidized meals: Be 60 years of age or older. Be homebound (incapacitated) due to accident, illness or frailty. Live alone or with someone who is unable to prepare meals and​/or is absent during the day. Privately paid meals are also available, currently at $8.00 per meal, with no eligibility requirements.
Spanish, American Sign Language
Map Marker 1

UR Medicine Home Care

2180 Empire Boulevard
Webster, NY

Referrals taken 24 hours. Meal delivery M-F 10:30AM-1:30PM.

Thru: Town of Irondequoit Town Hall

Age 50 or older. "Life in Irondequoit": Resident of the Town of Irondequoit. Medical equipment loans: Resident of the Town of Irondequoit to borrow a wheelchair.
Map Marker 2

Town of Irondequoit Senior/Community Center

450 Skyview Centre Parkway
Ste 200
Rochester, NY

Office hours: M-F 8:00AM-4:00PM. Meals served M-F 11:15AM-12:15PM.

Thru: Fairport United Methodist Church

Residents of area served.
Map Marker 3

Fairport United Methodist Church

31 W Church Street
Fairport, NY

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