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Propane Assistance

Help with paying for propane supplies for those who qualify.

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Found 26 resources (displaying 11 - 20)

Thru: Lifespan of Greater Rochester

Low-income individuals ages 60 years and older who do not receive temporary assistance or SNAP benefits. If recipient of temporary assistance or SNAP benefits, then contact worker.
Map Marker 1

Lifespan of Greater Rochester

1900 S Clinton Avenue
Rochester, NY

Thru: Wayne County Department of Social Services

Low income or recipient of Temporary Assistance and​/or SNAP benefits. Income guidelines apply. Furnace repair: home must be owner-occupied. For cooling assistance, must qualify for HEAP and also have at least one family member with a medical condition exacerbated by heat.
Map Marker 2

Wayne County Social Services Department

77 Water Street
Lyons, NY

M-F 8:30AM-4:30PM. Call for dates for each Home Energy Assistance Program.

Thru: Cayuga County Department of Social Services

Low income or recipient of Temporary Assistance and​/or SNAP benefits. Income guidelines apply. Furnace repair: home must be owner-occupied. For cooling assistance, must qualify for HEAP and also have at least one family member with a medical condition made worse by heat.
Map Marker 3

Cayuga County Department of Social Services

160 Genesee Street
Auburn, NY

M-F 8:00AM-5:00PM.

Thru: Livingston County Department of Social Services

Income eligibility guidelines apply. For cooling assistance, must qualify for HEAP and have at least one family member with a medical condition made worse by heat.
Map Marker 4

Livingston County Department of Social Services

1 Murray Hill Drive
Mt Morris, NY

Thru: Monroe County Department of Human Services

Low-income or recipient of Temporary Assistance and​/or SNAP benefits. Income guidelines apply. Furnace repair: home must be owner-occupied. For cooling assistance, must qualify for HEAP.
Map Marker 5

Monroe County Department of Human Services Westfall Road

111 Westfall Road
Rochester, NY

M-F 9:00AM-3:00PM.

Thru: Ontario County Department of Social Services

Must be a resident of area served. Eligibility is based on family size and annual income. For cooling assistance, must qualify for HEAP and have at least one family member with a medical condition made worse by heat.
American Sign Language, Spanish
Map Marker 6

Ontario County Department of Social Services Canandaigua

3010 County Complex Drive
Canandaigua, NY

Thru: Seneca County Division of Human Services

Low income or recipient of Temporary Assistance and​/or SNAP benefits. Income guidelines apply. Furnace repair: home must be owner-occupied. For cooling assistance, must qualify for HEAP and also have at least one family member with a medical condition made worse by heat.
Map Marker 7

Seneca County Division of Human Services

1 DiPronio Drive
Waterloo, NY

M-F 8:30AM-5:00PM.

Thru: St. Vincent de Paul Society - Canandaigua

Resident of area served.
Map Marker 8

St. Vincent de Paul Society - Canandaigua

120 N Main Street
Canandaigua, NY

By appointment.

Thru: Livingston County Children's Protective Association

Must be a Livingston County resident with a child in the home. Call for more information.
Map Marker 9

Livingston County Children's Protective Association

23 Pennsylvania Avenue
Avon, NY

Thru: HeartShare Human Services of New York

Applicants must have an active account with either NYSEG or RG&E, meet the HEAP income guideline, have an active disconnect notice, and exhausted all other assistance programs, such as HEAP, food stamps, Medicaid and local or county emergency aid. Active military and well-discharged veterans, regardless of income, can apply. This grant can be received once every 12 months. Eligibility for customers who are active duty military personnel and veterans: Active duty military personnel and well-discharged (honorary or general) do NOT have to meet income guidelines, however there must be an active disconnect notice. The account may be in the spouse's​/partner's name. The military member or veteran does not have to reside in the household, however, the spouse​/partner must.
Map Marker 10

HeartShare Human Services of New York

12 MetroTech Center
29th Floor
Brooklyn, NY

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