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Counseling programs that specialize in youth and issues particularly problematic for youth.

Found 36 resources (displaying 11 - 20)

Thru: St. Joseph's Neighborhood Center

Patient​/client must not have insurance coverage, including Medicare, Medicaid, or any other insurance plans for services received, or patient must have a significant barrier that prevents them from accessing medical care via their insurance coverage. I.e., Financial debt. Cost-prohibitive copays. High deductible plan. Some exceptions for specialties and chiropractic services. Call for information.
Map Marker 1

St. Joseph's Neighborhood Center, Inc

417 South Avenue
Rochester, NY

Thru: JFS Rochester

Map Marker 2

The Counseling Center at JFS Rochester

441 East Avenue
Rochester, NY

Thru: Evelyn Brandon Health Center

Chemically dependent and family. Adolescent treatment services: ages 12-19 years. Older adult program: ages 45 years and older. Inpatient rehabilitation: ages 18 years and older. Financial criteria apply. Call for information.
Map Marker 3

Evelyn Brandon Health Center

81 Lake Avenue
Rochester, NY

M-TH 8:00AM-7:00PM. F 8:00AM-5:00PM.

Thru: The Center for Youth Services

Most services: Ages 12-21 years. Call for information.
Map Marker 4

Center for Youth

905 Monroe Avenue
Rochester, NY

M-F 9:00AM-6:00PM. Walk ins welcome.

Thru: Greece Central School District

Students of area served.
Map Marker 5

Alcott Road Facility

300 Chesterton Road
Door 7
Rochester, NY

Thru: Boys and Girls Club of Rochester

6-18 years of age with developmental disabilities.
Map Marker 6

Boys and Girls Club of Rochester

500 Genesee Street
Rochester, NY

Thru: Society for the Protection and Care of Children

Children birth to age 18 impacted by trauma, including physical and sexual abuse and​/or domestic violence.
Map Marker 7

Society for the Protection and Care of Children

148 S Fitzhugh Street
Rochester, NY

Thru: Genesee Mental Health Center

Adult services: none. Children services: Ages 5-21 who are experiencing problems that interfere with their daily lives. Children must be accompanied by an adult during walk in hours.
Spanish, American Sign Language
Map Marker 8

Genesee Mental Health Center

224 Alexander Street
Rochester, NY

M-TH 8:00AM-7:00PM. F 8:00AM-5:00PM. Children Walk in hours: Register M, W 8:00AM-10:00AM, seen 9:00AM-11:00AM.

Thru: Give an Hour

Provides no cost mental health services to at-risk groups nationwide including the veteran and military community, victims of natural disasters, and survivors of gun violence through a variety of programs. Please see for eligibility requirements.

Give an Hour

Bethesda, MD

Thru: Spiritus Christi Mental Health Center

Individuals who are uninsured or underinsured.
Map Marker 9

Spiritus Christi Mental Health Center

121 N Fitzhugh Street
Rochester, NY

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