Map of Counties

Resources serving Livingston County

Filtered by Families and Individuals Needing Support

Found 33 resources (displaying 1 - 10)

Thru: Al-Anon Information Service

Relatives and friends of alcoholics. Alateen: Ages 13-18.
American Sign Language
Map Marker 1

Al-Anon Information Service

2507 Browncroft Boulevard
Suite 101
Rochester, NY

Varies. Check website for details.

Thru: Because I Love You


Because I Love You

Winnetka, CA

Zoom meetings M, TU, W, TH evening. Email with first names and ages of your children for a reply with the sign in information.

Thru: Camp Good Days And Special Times

Varies according to program. Call for information.
Map Marker 2

Camp Good Days And Special Times Residential Camping Experiences

643 W Lake Road
Branchport, NY

Hours vary.

Thru: Catholic Charities Steuben/Livingston

At-risk youth between the ages of 6-14.
Map Marker 3

Catholic Charities of Livingston County

34 E State Street
Mount Morris, NY

Thru: Catholic Charities Family and Community Services

HIV​/AIDS diagnosis.
American Sign Language, Spanish
Map Marker 4

Jay Street Location

1099 Jay Street
Building J
Rochester, NY

Thru: HCR Care Management

Ages 6-21, receiving Medicaid, with a chronic medical diagnosis.
Map Marker 5

Finger Lakes Office

85 Metro Park
Rochester, NY

Thru: Catholic Charities Steuben/Livingston

Children from birth to 21 years, must have two or more chronic conditions, or Significant Emotional Disturbance, or Complex trauma, or HIV​/AIDS. Must be enrolled in Medicaid.
Map Marker 6

Catholic Charities of Livingston County

34 E State Street
Mount Morris, NY

Thru: VA Finger Lakes Healthcare System Canandaigua

Family and friends of veterans.
Map Marker 7

VA Finger Lakes Healthcare System Canandaigua

400 Fort Hill Avenue
Canandaigua, NY

Thru: Operation Homefront

Any service member who was active, deployed or wounded in the last 7 years is eligible for assistance, with proper documentation. Please see attachment in resource for eligibility criteria.

Operation Homefront

Quincy, MA

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