Map of Counties

Resources serving Seneca County

Filtered by Special Libraries

Found 6 resources (displaying 6)

Thru: New York State Library Talking Book and Braille Library

Be unable to read standard printed materials because of visual or physical disability (missing limb, severe arthritis, etc.) or have a diagnosed reading​/learning disability. Must have an IOS, android or recent kindle device to download digital braille and audio books from BARD (Braille and Audio Reading Download)
Map Marker 2

New York State Library Talking Book and Braille Library

222 Madison Avenue
Cultural Education Center
Albany, NY

Thru: Genesee RiverWatch

Map Marker 3

Genesee RiverWatch

700 W Metro Park
Rochester, NY

Thru: Goodwill of the Finger Lakes

Visual impairment or legal blindness. Vocational​/employment services: For individuals who are legally blind, ages 14 and up, by referral of a New York State Commission for the Blind vocational rehabilitation counselor.
Map Marker 4

Goodwill of the Finger Lakes

500 S Clinton Avenue
Rochester, NY

Cultural Competency BadgeCultural Competency

Language Access BadgeLanguage Access