
CCE Seneca

thru: Cornell Cooperative Extension Seneca County

Offers free or low-cost educational workshops, applied research projects, and information on food-related topics, from food safety and nutrition to healthy eating on a limited budget.
Offer free or low-cost gardening classes and tours all year long, and opportunities to garden as a volunteer.
Offers information on Composting, Energy Conservation, Recycling, and Sustainable/Alternative Energy in workshops, presentations, articles, and fact sheets.
Provides residential recycling education for Seneca County.
Offers local and county-wide 4-H clubs, after-school 4-H opportunities, connections to 4-H camps, and statewide 4-H activities. 

Eligibility: Call for information.

Application Process: Call for information.

Required Documentation: Call for information.

Fees: Call for information.

Coverage Note: Seneca County.


This program is offered here:

Cornell Cooperative Extension Seneca County

Map Marker 1
369 East Main Street
Waterloo NY 13165
M-F 8:00AM-4:30PM.


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