Hamlin Terrace
thru: Hamlin Terrace Apartments
• Provides apartments for families, seniors or the disabled, independent living.
- One cat or one dog up to 25 pounds.
Eligibility: Ages 18 years and older with income limits. NO SECTION 8 VOUCHERS ACCEPTED, Portable Voucher must be relinquished prior to application.
Application Process: When a completed application is received a letter is mailed showing the wait list number. Wait is a year.
Required Documentation: Birth certificate and social security card.
Fees: No fee for services.
Coverage Note: United States.
This program is offered here:
Hamlin Terrace

150 Hamlin Terrace Drive
Hamlin NY 14464
Hamlin NY 14464
M-TH 9:00AM-4:00PM.
Bus Service:
1/2 mile down the road RTS Bus 106, free transportation to Wegman's to Grocery Shop on Thursdays at 11:00AM.
Disabilities Access:
Wheelchair accessible and barrier free units.