CDR Community Supplemental Pooled Trust
thru: Center for Disability Rights, Inc.
• Assist individuals with disabilities and seniors to keep their Medicaid or SSI benefits when they have excess income or a spenddown requirement.
Eligibility: Individuals with a disability, seniors, live in the community in New York State, need Medicaid and have excess income or resources to shelter.
Application Process: Call, walk-in or visit website to apply.
Required Documentation: CDR Pooled Trust Joinder Application, set up fee.
Fees: $200 one time setup fee and $20 monthly fee. Call for information.
Coverage Note: New York State.
This program is offered here:
Center for Disability Rights, Inc.

497 State Street
Rochester NY 14608
Rochester NY 14608
M-F 9:00AM-5:00PM.