
Food Pantries

thru: Hilton Parma Emergency Food Shelf

Provides an emergency food cupboard that has perishable and non-perishable foods, paper items and personal items if needed.

Accepts food donations at Tops Friendly Market in Hilton and Hilton Community Center Drop Box or by appointment.

Provides referrals for clothing.

Eligibility: Resident of area served. Be in an emergency situation and need food.

Application Process: Leave message on voice mail. Call will be returned as soon as possible. Appointments will be made to receive services or clients.

Required Documentation: Picture ID and proof of residency.

Fees: No fee for service.

Coverage Note: Hilton-Parma School District. Serves all of Hilton and parts of Parma, Hamlin, Spencerport and Greece.


This program is offered here:

Hilton Parma Emergency Food Shelf

Map Marker 1
59 Henry Street
Room 201
Hilton Community Center
Hilton NY 14468
(Hilton/Parma Food Shelf)
(Hilton Parma Community Council of Churches)
TU 9:00AM-11:00AM.
W for clients and donations by appointment only.
First TH 5:00PM-7:00PM.
Disabilities Access:
Elevator and ramp available.


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