Housing Services
thru: CDS Monarch
• Offers a Senior Living Center for adults with and without disabilities.
- Some accessible apartments.
- Individuals may continue receiving previously established care and service coordination.
- Advance emergency response alarm system.
- Transportation provided.
- Facilities include fitness center, heated therapy pool, restaurant, art studio, music and dance facilities, evening recreation programs.
- Small pets welcome.
Eligibility: Adults 55 or older with or without disabilities. Call for information.
Application Process: Call for information.
Required Documentation: Call for information.
Fees: Subsidized rent adjusted based on a fixed percentage of income. Call for information.
Coverage Note: Monroe, Wayne, Ontario, Livingston, Cayuga and Seneca Counties.
This program is offered here:
Monarch Senior Living

840 Holt Road
Webster NY 14580
Webster NY 14580
Call for information.