
Recovery Support Navigator Team

thru: Liberty Resources, Inc.

Works to help families and individuals combat substance use disorders through a blended model of peer and family support services.
  • Peer Specialists and Family Support Specialists to individuals and families who have recently experienced an overdose.
  • Works with Monroe County Department of Public Health (DPH) through a collaborative pilot program.

Provides services for families (or other loved ones) designed to guide, educate, and support families through the addiction treatment and recovery process through peer and family support.

Helps individuals and their loved ones become engaged in recovery-focused activities, including addiction and opioid abuse treatment, counseling, support groups, peer interactions, and community services.

Cultural Competency BadgeCultural Competency

Eligibility: Families/Friends of individuals with substance use disorders and individuals with substance use disorders.

Application Process: Call for information.

Required Documentation: Call for information.

Fees: No fee for services.

Coverage Note: Monroe County.

Cultural Competency: Cultural competency, diversity, equity, and inclusion training for staff


This program is offered here:

Toll Free:
(SOS Team: Homeless Outreach Team)
Toll Free:
(Family Support)
Toll Free:
(Peer Support)
After Hours:
M-TH 8:30AM-7:00PM.
F 8:30AM-5:00PM.
Disabilities Access:
Fully Accessible.


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