
Adult and Child Services

Investigates abuse, exploitation, neglect (by self or caretakers) for adults and offers the following services: 
  • Counseling. 
  • Case management. 
  • Advocacy. 
Investigates abuse, exploitation, neglect (by self or caretakers) for children. 
  • Emergency placement of abused or neglected children and access to foster care if required. 
Offers foster care, adoption and home finding. 

Provides services for families in crisis to avoid the need for foster care placement. 
  • Casework/referral services. 
  • Family preservation programs. 
  • Medicaid transportation services. 

Eligibility: Call for eligibility requirements.

Application Process: Call or walk in.

Required Documentation: Call for information.

Fees: No fees for service.

Coverage Note: Wayne County.


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