Adult and Child Services
thru: Wayne County Department of Social Services
• Investigates abuse, exploitation, neglect (by self or caretakers) for adults and offers the following services:
- Counseling
- Case management
- Advocacy
• Investigates abuse, exploitation, neglect (by self or caretakers) for children.
- Emergency placement of abused or neglected children and access to foster care if required
• Offers foster care, adoption and home finding.
• Provides services for families in crisis to avoid the need for foster care placement.
- Casework/referral services
- Family preservation programs
- Medicaid transportation services
This program is offered here:
Wayne County Social Services Department

77 Water Street
Lyons NY 14489
Lyons NY 14489
M-F 8:30AM-4:30PM.
Bus Service:
Public Transportation Available.