Men's Re-entry Group
thru: Judicial Process Commission Inc.
Cultural Competency
Eligibility: Incarcerated men involved in the criminal justice system.
Application Process: Must be referred or enroll while incarcerated at Monroe County Jail. They may write to JPC Director Shermond Reid, 200 West Ave, or request a referral be faxed or emailed to Shermond Reid from any Monroe County Jail staff. Call for information.
Required Documentation: Call for information.
Fees: No fee for services.
Coverage Note: Monroe County.
Cultural Competency: Cultural competency, diversity, equity, and inclusion training for staff, Staff reflects population served
This program is offered here:
Judicial Process Commission Inc

Rochester NY 14611
F 9:00AM-1:00PM.
Shermond Reid
Interim Executive Director
Jeanette G. Creighton
Social Worker
585 20-20017