
Education Services

thru: Rochester Children's Scholarship Fund

Offers a stipend ranging from $75-$150 based on GPA every marking period during the school year to meet school and personal expenses due to financial needs at home.

Offers counseling on course work that is difficult for the students.

Eligibility: RCSD students only. Students attending charter or private schools are not eligible. Check website for eligibility information and updates.

Application Process: Obtain application from RCSD counselors or through the Fund or on website.

Required Documentation: Call for information.

Fees: No fee for services.

Coverage Note: City of Rochester.


This program is offered here:

Rochester Children's Scholarship Fund

Map Marker 1
131 W Broad Street
Rochester NY 14614
M, TU, 9:00AM-5:00PM.
W-F 9:00AM-12:00PM.
After hours: voicemail.


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