
Town Clerk Offices

thru: Town of Marion

Administers the public official offices.

Services provided by the town clerk's offices are: 
  • Dog Licenses.
  • Hunting & Fishing Licenses.
  • Marriage Licenses.
  • Games of Chance Licenses - The applicant must register and have an Identification number from NYS Racing & Wagering Board.
  • Notary Public services.
  • Certificate of Residency - for students attending college.
  • Handicap Parking Permits.

Responsible for the collection of:
  • Water and Sewer payments - Billed quarterly - January, April, July, October. 
  • Town and County Taxes - Collection in January, February, March. After March 31.

Eligibility: Dog License: Dogs must be licensed by four months of age. Proof of spay/ neuter is required along with current rabies vaccination.

Application Process: Call for information.

Required Documentation: Hunting & Fishing Licenses: Proof of New York State residency required. Proof of Hunter’s Safety Course required. Marriage License: Proof of Age required by submitting raised seal birth certificate; Proof of Identify is required by submitting a driver’s license, passport, employment picture Id or immigration record with picture. Notary services: Must have valid identification. College students: Must provide proof of residency. Handicapped Parking Permits: Must provide proof of residency and have application completed by applicant and Physician.

Fees: Dog Licenses: Fees are as follows: $9.00 spayed/neutered; $16.00 unspayed/unneutered. Licenses are renewable yearly. Marriage Licenses: $40.00. Hunting & Fishing Licenses: Fee varies.

Coverage Note: Town of Marion.


This program is offered here:

Town of Marion

Map Marker 1
3823 N Main Street
Marion NY 14505
M-F 9:00AM-4:00PM.


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