
Samaritan House

thru: Open Door Mission, Inc.

Provides crisis housing for men and support services for homeless individuals or those in need.

Assist with finding permanent housing.

Provides 24 hours. warming center during Code Blue in Monroe County.

Eligibility: Samaritan House: Men, ages 18 and older who are in need of shelter.

Application Process: Call for information.

Required Documentation: ID, if available.

Fees: No fee for services. Free RTS transportation to Warming Centers from Transit Center

Coverage Note: Monroe County.


This program is offered here:

Nov-Apr 24 hours.
Apr-Nov curfew at 6:30pm, call after 6:30PM.
Bus Service:
RTS Routes: 16,17,18,19,23.
Disabilities Access:
Wheelchair accessible.



Ramon Cintron
Director Community Services

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