
Emergency Shelter

thru: YWCA of Rochester and Monroe County

Provides emergency shelter services.

  • Individual rooms or apartments offer privacy during a time of crisis and change; each resident has access to a kitchen facilities, lounge, and children’s playroom. Women and families entering the program receive an individualized assessment and meet with a case manager to create a personalized goal plan to find appropriate housing

Eligibility: Women age 18 or older, with or without children. Men age 18 or older, with children.

Application Process: Most placements made through DHS, call for more information. Some courtesy nights with a denial letter from DHS.

Required Documentation: None.

Fees: No fee for service.

Coverage Note: Monroe County.

Languages: Spanish, American Sign Language


This program is offered here:

YWCA of Rochester and Monroe County

Map Marker 1
175 N Clinton Avenue
Rochester NY 14604
Office: M-F 8:00AM-5:00PM. 24-Hour switchboard coverage.
Bus Service:
Public Transportation Available.


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Program Categories

Homeless Shelter


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