
Apartment Programs

thru: East House

Serves individuals in recovery from mental illness and substance use disorders who are able to live more independently in the community.

Provides a combination of onsite and scattered site apartments which are master leased and located in Monroe County with emphasis on Center City Rochester.

Offers customized services based on individual need and treatment and include: 
  • 24 hour per day, 7 days per week staff support.
  • Evaluation and treatment; medication management.
  • Counseling and training in independent living.
  • Social and recreational programs.
  • Career counseling and work training activities.
  • Family education and support.
  • Coordination with other services providers.
  • Case management.

Eligibility: Age 18 and older. Must be in recovery from mental illness and substance use disorders.

Application Process: Call for information.

Required Documentation: Call for information.

Fees: Sliding scale fee available for those who qualify.

Coverage Note: Monroe County.

Languages: English


This program is offered here:

East House

Map Marker 1
259 Monroe Avenue
Suite 200
Rochester NY 14607
Main Office: M-F 8:30AM-4:30PM.


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