
Rehabilitation Services

thru: Lochland, Inc.

Offers learning and enriching experiences through Chandler Day Habilitation Center through a variety of excursions and activities.

Oversees seven supervised residential settings.

Provides Community Habilitation Services to individuals with various services designed to assist individuals in acquiring, retaining, and improving the self-help, socialization, and adaptive skills necessary to interact in the community.

Provides employment services to individuals through SEMP, ETP, and Pre-Vocational Services.

Eligibility: Age 18 or older, developmentally disabled; HCBS Waiver eligible.

Application Process: Application available online.

Required Documentation: Call for information.

Fees: Call for information.

Coverage Note: Monroe, Ontario, and Seneca Counties.


This program is offered here:

Lochland, Inc.

Map Marker 1
1065 Lochland Road
Geneva NY 14456
Office hours: M-F 8:00AM-4:00PM.


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