
Community and Consumer Services

thru: Humane Society of Wayne County

Provides a temporary shelter for pets in emergency situations. 
  • Contracts with Wayne County towns and villages for stray dogs. 
Offers a Pet Visitation Program. 
  • Scheduled visits of pets to schools, nursing homes, hospitals and other groups. 
Provides a Spay/neuter incentive fund for low income households. 

Offers an Adult Companion Program. 
  • Provides pet companionship to older adults, the Humane Society will match up cats and dogs. 
Provides animals available for adoption and foster care opportunities. 

Eligibility: Adult Companion Program: Ages 50 years and older and approved. Cat or dog 3 years or older is free. Spay/neuter Program: low-income.

Application Process: Call for information.

Required Documentation: Call for information.

Fees: No fee for services. Call for information regarding membership level.

Coverage Note: Wayne County.


This program is offered here:

Humane Society of Wayne County

Map Marker 1
1475 County House Road
Lyons NY 14489
TU, W, F 10:00AM-4:30PM.
TH 10:00AM-4:30PM.
SA 10:00AM-4:00PM.
Bus Service:
Public Transportation Available


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