
Alternatives to Incarceration

thru: Pre-Trial Services Corporation

Provides pre-trial release assisting incarcerated defendants to obtain release on recognizance and bail expediting. 

Offers supervised release monitor released defendants to ensure compliance of conditions and return to court.

Provides appropriate referral to community treatment program up to and including electronic monitoring.

Eligibility: Ages 16 years and older. Charged in adult criminal court. Call for information for other programs.

Application Process: Most referrals are received through judges, defense and prosecuting attorneys. Staff visits the jail each morning.

Required Documentation: None.

Fees: Fees apply to DWI programs only. Call for information.

Coverage Note: Monroe County.


This program is offered here:

Pre-Trial Services Corporation

Map Marker 1
50 W Main Street
Rochester NY 14614
Toll Free:
M-F 8:00AM-4:30PM.
Closed daily 12:30PM-1:30PM.


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