
Retrouvaille of Rochester Weekend Experience

thru: Retrouvaille of Rochester NY Inc.

Offers a peer Christian ministry that focuses on troubled marriages. Mutual support groups for married couples only. Virtual programs are offered.

Voluntary ongoing support offered after the program.

Weekend sessions and 6 Saturday 4-hour sessions.

Presentations by a Catholic priest and married couples.

Eligibility: Must be legally married. Due to Catholicity and peer-ministry nature of program, non-heterosexual couples cannot be served at this time. All faiths/no faith welcome to participate. Must have completed the weekend and post-weekend (6 weeks) sessions to be in the support group.

Application Process: Call for information or register on-line. Because of the confidentiality promised to couples going through program, program sites will be revealed to those who register and/or wish to attend the support group.

Required Documentation: Call for information.

Fees: Non-refundable registration fee required to confirm registration. Fees maybe waived depending on the situation.

Coverage Note: New York State.


This program is offered here:

Retrouvaille of Rochester NY Inc.

Map Marker 1
PO Box 23951
Rochester NY 14692
Toll Free:
Call before 9:00PM.
Check website for locations, dates, information.
Disabilities Access:
All facilities are wheelchair accessible.


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