Bright Start Pediatric Services
thru: Bright Start Pediatric Services
• Provides evaluations and service through the Early Intervention and Preschool Special Education Program for children, including a multidisciplinary staff that includes; Speech Pathologist, Special Educators, Occupation and Physical Therapists, and School Psychologist. Itinerant Service is delivered in the home, daycare or preschools, and other community locations. When appropriate evaluations and service can be delivered at the site location.
Eligibility: Birth-5 years old. Eligibility is determined by evaluations through above noted programs.
Application Process: Call for information.
Required Documentation: None.
Fees: Funded by Early Intervention and Committee on Preschool Special Education Program.
Coverage Note: Monroe, Ontario and Wayne Counties.
This program is offered here:
Bright Start Pediatric Services

149 N Main Street
Fairport NY 14450
Fairport NY 14450
M-F 8:00AM-5:00PM.