
Charlotte Community Association

thru: Charlotte Community Association

Seeks to preserve the history, promote a sense of community and improve the physical conditions and quality of life in the Charlotte area.

Offers crime prevention activities.

Monitors zoning and code violations.

Coordinates activities at Charlotte Beach.

Sponsors social and cultural activities at Ontario Beach Park.

Oversees improvements and acting as watchdog for revitalization of Ontario Beach Park.

Scholarships for area high school students.

Eligibility: None.

Application Process: Applications available online, or call and leave message for information.

Required Documentation: None.

Fees: Membership fees: $50 Benefactor, $40 Sustaining, $30 Patron, $20 Single Member, $15 Senior and student.

Coverage Note: Charlotte and surrounding areas in the City of Rochester, bounded by Holy Sepulchre Cemetery, Genesee River, Lake Ontario and the City Line.


This program is offered here:

Charlotte Community Association

Map Marker 1
PO Box 12768
Charlotte Station
Rochester NY 14612
(Leave message)
No office hours. 24-hour answering service. General meetings: First M 7:00PM, Robach Center. Executive board meeting: First M 6:00PM.
Bus Service:
Public Transportation Available.
Disabilities Access:
Both are Wheelchair Accessible.


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