CASH for Cayuga County
thru: United Way of Cayuga County
Cultural Competency
Eligibility: Free income tax assistance is available for low-to-moderate-income individuals, individuals with disabilities, non-English speaking tax payers, and the elderly (generally, household income $66,000 or less). In addition, the program assists individuals who qualify for the earned income credit.
Application Process: By appointment only.
Required Documentation: Picture IDs for you and your spouse. Social Security card and an accurate birth date for each family member. W-2 forms for all jobs worked in the previous tax year. All 1099 forms that you received. Be prepared to discuss your Health Insurance Coverage for previous year. Copy of last year’s tax return, if available. Childcare provider’s name, address and tax ID number, if applicable. For direct deposit, bring account and routing number information for checking, savings and prepaid card accounts. If you are self-employed, bring records for income and expenses related to your business.
Fees: No fee for services.
Coverage Note: Cayuga County.
Cultural Competency: Signage and advertising for diverse populations
This program is offered here:
CA$H for Cayuga County

Auburn Campus
Auburn NY 13021