
American Red Cross National Headquarters

thru: American Red Cross National Headquarters

 Offers support to military families.
  • Links military families with service members during an emergency.
  • Connects families with local resources.
  • Provides training that promotes resiliency and preparedness to help families cope with the challenges of military life.
  • Through partnerships with the Department of Defense and Veterans Affairs, Red Cross provides transition and reintegration support to wounded warriors, to veterans and their families.
Offers health and safety training and education.

Distributes blood that has been collected to hospitals and transfusion centers across the country.  

Eligibility: Call for information.

Application Process: Call for information.

Required Documentation: Call for information.

Fees: Fees vary according to program.

Coverage Note: United States.


This program is offered here:

American Red Cross National Headquarters

Map Marker 1
431 18th Street NW
Washington DC 20006
Toll Free:
Call for information.


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