
Health and Wellness Referral Services

thru: Health and Wellness Referral Services

Assists individuals getting connected with an experienced companion to help with: 
  • Household chores, yard work, heavy and light cleaning, companionship, meal preparation.
  • Respite for in home care providers.
  • Elder sitting and supervision of activities.
  • Shopping and errands.
  • Transportation to appointments.
  • Services provided by self-employed people who are screened by the agency.

Eligibility: Senior citizens and individuals with disabilities who don't qualify to receive public assistance, Medicaid or EISEP.

Application Process: Call for information, walk-in, or by appointment.

Required Documentation: None.

Fees: Fees for service are negotiated by client and provider. Call for information. Agency surcharge: $3.75 per hour.

Coverage Note: Primarily serves Genesee, Livingston, Ontario, Steuben and Wyoming Counties. Services to Monroe County may be limited due to limited resources for that area.


This program is offered here:

Health and Wellness Referral Services

Map Marker 1
24 Main Street
Mount Morris NY 14510
M-F 8:00AM-4:00PM.
After hours: answering service monitored every few hours. Service provided if immediately necessary.


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