
Youth Court of Cayuga County

thru: Cayuga Counseling Services

Offers an alternative system of justice using peers as prosecution, defense, judge, bailiff and jurors: 
  • Holds youth accountable for their actions. 
  • Redirects them from negative behavior. 

Eligibility: Resident of area served. Youth who are charged with a violation or misdemeanor. Defendants must be under the age of 16. Must admit guilt. Be willing to be judged by jury of peers.

Application Process: Local law enforcement agencies.

Required Documentation: Call for information.

Fees: Call for information.

Coverage Note: Cayuga County.


This program is offered here:

Cayuga Counseling Services

Map Marker 1
17 E Genesee Street
Auburn NY 13021
M, TU, W, TH 8:00AM-7:00PM.
F 8:00AM-5:00PM.


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Youth Courts

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