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At Risk/Homeless Housing Related Assistance Programs

Programs authorized under federal or state legislation or local government initiatives that provide financial assistance and supportive services for individuals and/or families who are homeless or at risk for homelessness. Included are prevention programs that help people at imminent risk for homelessness preserve current housing or secure alternative housing; diversion programs that help people actively seeking shelter to identify and access viable alternatives including shared housing arrangements and transitional housing/shelter; and rapid re-housing programs that help people who are already homeless move as quickly as possible into permanent housing. Services may include case management, rental deposits, rent assistance, utility deposits, housing search assistance, moving expenses, expenses related to non-shelter temporary housing in situations where permanent housing has been secured but is currently unavailable, and other costs the family may incur in the process of acquiring or maintaining housing. Allowable activities, eligibility criteria and other requirements vary depending on the jurisdiction, the funding source and the focus of the program.

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Found 7 resources (displaying 7)

Homeless Diversion Programs

Thru: Chapel House Homeless Shelter

Males ages 18 and over that are homeless.
Map Marker 1

Chapel House Homeless Shelter

36 Franklin Street
Auburn, NY

Thru: Chapel House Homeless Shelter

Must be homeless and age 18 and over.
Map Marker 2

ROLES Homeless Shelter

290-292 Grant Ave
Auburn, NY

Housing Related Coordinated Entry

Thru: Coordinated Care Services Inc.

Homeless by HUD's category 1) Homeless living in a place not meant for human habitation(i.e. street, car, or an abandoned building) or a homeless shelter. Or Category 4) fleeing a domestic violence situation.
Map Marker 3

Coordinated Entry System for Homeless Services

1099 Jay Street
Building J, 3rd Floor
Rochester, NY

Rapid Re-Housing Programs

Thru: Community Action Programs Cayuga/Seneca

Varies with program. Call for information.
Map Marker 4

Community Action Programs Cayuga/Seneca - Auburn

89 York Street
Suite 1
Auburn, NY

Thru: Father Tracy Advocacy Center

Spanish, English, Spanish
Map Marker 6

Father Tracy Advocacy Center

821 N Clinton Avenue
Rochester, NY

Thru: ACR Health

Ages 12-29. Identify as LGBTQI+ or a caregiver for LGBTQI+ youth​/young adults.
Map Marker 7

ACR Health Utica

287 Genesee Street
Suite 200
Utica, NY

Thru: Person Centered Housing Options

Must be homeless.
Map Marker 8

Person Centered Housing Options

400 West Avenue
Rochester, NY

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