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Families/Friends of Individuals With a Drug Use Disorder Support Groups

Mutual support groups whose members are the spouses/partners of people who have or are at risk of a drug use disorder; children of all ages whose parents, guardians or other parent figures are involved in drug use; and/or friends of those individuals. The groups meet in-person, by telephone or via the Internet; and allow participants to share their experience, strengths and hopes to solve the problems they have in common and support the recovery of their loved one.

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Found 2 resources (displaying 2)

Thru: Nar-Anon Family Groups Headquarters, Inc.

Individuals affected by someone else's addiction.

Nar-Anon Family Groups Headquarters, Inc.

Torrance, CA

Meeting times vary. Call or visit website for more information.

Thru: Liberty Resources, Inc.

Families​/Friends of individuals with substance use disorders and individuals with substance use disorders.
Map Marker 1

Liberty Resources Behavioral Health - Rochester

175 N Winton Road
Rochester, NY

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