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Integrated Co-Occurring Disorders Treatment

Programs that provide coordinated treatment services for individuals who have a diagnosed mental illness which interferes with their functioning in a substantial way in combination with a substance use disorder that aggravates their ability to become stabilized or recover. Both psychiatric and substance use disorder treatment are provided at the same time, at the same place and by the same multidisciplinary team or a single provider trained and competent in co-occurring disorders. The approach seeks to treat the whole person instead of looking only at one issue at a time; mental illnesses and substance use disorders are seen as intertwined, not separate.

Found 4 resources (displaying 4)

Thru: Conifer Park

Alcohol and​/or chemical dependency problem. 18 years and older.
Map Marker 1

Conifer Park

79 Glenridge Road
Schenectady, NY

Thru: Liberty Resources, Inc.

Adults, Children, and Families.
Map Marker 2

Liberty Resources Behavioral Health - Rochester

175 N Winton Road
Rochester, NY

Office Hours: M-TH 8:30AM-7:00PM. F 8:30AM-5:00PM. Same Day Access M, TU, TH 8:30AM-10:00AM.

Thru: Tioga County Department of Mental Hygiene

Resident of area served.
Call ahead if interpreter is needed.

Thru: Wayne Behavioral Health Network

Individuals in active use or recovery.
American Sign Language, Spanish
Map Marker 4

Wayne Behavioral Health Network

1519 Nye Road
Lyons, NY

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