Programs that provide intensive rehabilitation services for medically stable patients who have sustained a significant loss of independent living skills a result of stroke, brain injury, spinal cord injury, multiple trauma, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease, ALS or other physical or neurological conditions; and require coordinated care and multiple therapies to address their extensive rehabilitation needs. Services include an evaluation of the person's abilities and disabilities and the development and implementation of a rehabilitation plan that may incorporate physical, occupational, speech and/or other types of therapies; education about modifications in lifestyle that may be necessary including information about diet, exercise and stress reduction; guidance in using adaptive devices which maximize the individual's functional abilities; and counseling for the person and/or significant others to facilitate a positive adjustment to the person's current condition. Patients receive therapy for several hours a day, up to five days a week and return to their communities each evening to integrate skills learned in therapy into their daily activities. Treatment teams may include physiatrists, physical and occupational therapists, rehabilitation nurses, speech and language pathologists, psychologists, vocational rehabilitation specialists, counselors and case managers. Day rehabilitation services may be provided by general acute care hospitals or skilled nursing facilities.